Entries by Perry Daniels

What Is Relational Clarity?

God designed us for healthy relationships. In fact, we teach that the kingdom of God is the kingdom of right relationships. We believe that relational clarity, a predetermined standard for how employees of a company interact with each other in a covenantal manner, builds healthy relationships. A team’s effectiveness and productivity depend on the clarity […]

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Leadership Clarity Principle 4: Influence Lovingly

We believe that leaders who love people well have the ability to influence people holistically. If a leader is able to love people through their insecurities, weaknesses, struggles, personal battles, and fears, the leader’s influence will result in growth, development, and flourishing. A leader who influences lovingly can create an environment for individuals to thrive, […]

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Leadership Clarity Principle 3: Manage Individually

God created each of us with unique abilities. Given this diversity, a singular approach to leadership will never be effective in bringing out the God-given potential in individuals. A great leader will take the time to understand the unique personality, communication and learning style, motivation, strengths, and thought process of each person. The result is […]

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Leadership Clarity Principle 2: Inspire Strategically

Jesus took the vision from his Father and communicated it strategically to inspire. Do the leaders of your organization motivate people? When leaders communicate vision so that each employee understands how his or her work supports the greater purpose of the company, employees tend to be motivated and engaged. This clarity connects individual roles to […]

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Leadership Clarity Principle 1: Follow Humbly

As we see in the biblical examples of Jesus and David, it is through the process of following that leaders learn humility. A leader’s willingness to follow humbly will ultimately establish an environment for others to flourish. This willingness is rooted in the idea that no one has absolute authority. Whether we answer to another […]

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What Is Leadership Clarity

No relationship is more important in organizations than that of an individual and his or her leader. When employees trust their leadership, they become organizational ambassadors, leading progressive change in their families, society, and environment. Leaders have the ability to make people better across all of their roles and responsibilities. They can build environments that […]

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“Wisdom for Wealth. For Life.” Episode 16: How to Have a Fulfilling Retirement

In our “Wisdom for Wealth. For Life.” podcast series, we share financial advice and wisdom from our network of wealth advisors and thought leaders in the industry, and from around our community of over 9,000 financially blessed families who apply biblical wisdom to their financial planning and giving.  Episode 16: How to Have a […]

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The Second 3 Elements of Organizational Clarity

Organizational clarity means an intentionally cultivated work environment. Last week, we looked at the first three elements of organizational clarity: corporate clarity, structural clarity, and role clarity. Below are the remaining elements that help create organizational clarity. Process clarity focuses on aligning HR and people processes and procedures with the company’s mission, vision, and core […]

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Is Your Leadership Team Healthy?

Leadership teams have the power to make or break a business. The outcomes of effective leadership are evident both in the workplace and in biblical examples: When leadership executes strategy, as in Joshua 1:1-9, the outcome is better tactical decisions. When leadership makes effective operational decisions, as in Nehemiah 2:5-18, the result is operational continuity. […]

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The First 3 Elements of Organizational Clarity

Organizational clarity means an intentionally cultivated work environment. Corporate clarity, the first element of organizational clarity, means that everyone in the organization knows the company’s reason for being. This clarity comes through a well communicated mission statement, core values, and vision. The alignment that these elements bring is the foundation for  Covenantal Culture. An organizational […]

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