On Earth As It Is in Heaven

Written by Nick Stonestreet, CEO for Blue Trust

At Blue Trust, one of our cultural aspirations that shapes and informs who we are as an organization is striving to create a work environment that emulates “on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). We are all flawed, imperfect individuals who fail at the implementation of this prayer, but we are committed to treating one another and our clients with compassion, respect, and selfless humility. We want to serve faithfully alongside one another to steward our resources to positively impact the kingdom of God. Our strong commitment to our values played a large role in our decision to become an independent company again earlier this year. We want to ensure our firm’s mission and values are lived out and codified for future generations.

For most of us the instruction to live “on earth as it is in heaven” is an intimidating call to action. We know that Heaven is the epitome of peace and perfection, but we live in a very broken world. When the markets and political landscape are disheartening to watch or we feel discouraged by the oppression of others around the world and in our own communities, it is important to remember Jesus’s example for us. Even though He also witnessed suffering and challenges on Earth, Christ showed us what it looks like to live out God’s will being done “on earth as it is in heaven.” We want to extend grace, view everyone as a child of God, and pray fervently for others.

During this season of advent as we prepare our hearts and minds for Christ’s arrival, I would encourage you to reflect on Jesus’s call for “on earth as it is in heaven.” How can we live out that message during this season? Is there someone we should forgive? Is there a struggle for us to overcome? Are there characteristics in ourselves that we want to change? Everyone has a part to play in seeking to create earth as it is in heaven. We all have an opportunity to make a contribution and leave a mark on this Earth. What will you do to make an impact this Christmas and in the new year?

Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas season and grace-filled New Year!


Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011
by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. 15967995-11-22

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